CDO Online Summit Tokyo 2020 ended successfully


CDO Club Japan held “CDO Online Summit Tokyo 2020” on 2nd June 2020.

CDOs (Chief Digital/Data Officer) from leading companies working on DX participated on-site and online and discussed what they have been trying on business changes caused by COVID-19.

Mr. Jun Kamo, CEO and Founder, CDO Club Japan mentioned in an opening session the necessity of reverse thinking to get through business changes caused by declaration of a state of emergency, and importance of working on corporate activities that satisfy both economic and social issue from now on.

In the next presentation, Mr. David Mathison, Founder and CEO, CDO Club Global, explained that many enterprises are hiring CDOs to accelerate DX because of COVID-19, and introduced some cases that global CDOs work on、and Dr. Kamioka, advisor of CDO Club Japan and Professor, Hitotsubashi University stressed on resilient and digital activities for enterprises.

Later in the CDO round table, they discussed the importance of contributing social issue such as SDGs with DX as much as digital strategies after declaration of a state of emergency. They had a great session about new role of enterprises and meaning of corporate activities in digital era.


CDOs (Chief Digital/Data Officer) participated

Mr. Koichi Narasaki
Sompo Holdings, Inc.
Group CDO Managing Executive Officer

Dr. Kazuo Iwano
Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings Corporation
Fellow, Innovation and Business development office

Ms. Aya Komaki
Sanrio Entertainment Co.,Ltd.
CEO and Director of Sanrio Puroland

Mr. Yukio Saegusa
Idemitsu Kosan Co.,Ltd
General Manager, Digital Innovation Department

Mr. Yuji Yasuda
Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc.
General Manager , Risk Management

Mr. Takayuki Sakurai
Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc.
CDO, General Manager, Management information

Dr. Hiroshi Fukushi
Ajinomoto Co., Inc.
CDO, Corporate Executive Deputy President

Ms. Satoko Shisai
Vice President, Head of Digital & IT Supervisory Division

Mr. Naotaka Hayashi
Executive Officer, CRM Promotion Department and Digital Promotion Department

Mr. Mitsuru Kameyama
Mitsubishi Materials Corporation
CDO, Assistant to the General Manager, Corporate Strategy Div.

In this round table, QlikTech Japan K.K. was introduced as one of the cases and technologies of digital filed and Wovn Technologies, Inc. also announced as a leading startup.

Also, TABLEAU SOFTWARE, LLC,, Workday Japan KK, and ExaWizards Inc., main DX supporting companies had a presentation about data utilization and human resource management under COVID-19.

Later half of the event, Slack Technologies, Inc. and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd., Apptio, Inc. and CDO club had 1 on 1 session about cases to use technology under COVID-19.

In the last, Mr. Sugawara, the president of Publitech working on local government DX with CDO Club Japan and CDO of Bandai-machi, had a session with Akira Mizukami, Board of Director and Secretary General, CDO Club Japan, and discussed DX activities under declaration of a state of emergency.

We will provide details on archives for CDO Club Japan members later.
Please do look forward to our DX activities for society tomorrow.

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