CDO (Chief Digital/Data Officer)Forum 2017

CDO (Chief Digital/Data Officer) Forum 2017
Digital Transformation for Corporate Competitive
~What makes a leader achieving digital transformation? ~

Date/Time: July 14, 2017 (Fri) 13:00~17:30 (Registration 12:30~)

Target: Management Executives, Directors, those who are leading digital innovation
Place: Bellesalle Kudan 1-8-10 Kudan-Kita, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0073
Entrance Fee: Free
Organizer: BUSINESS FORUM NET. Co., Ltd.
Cooperated by CDO Club, CDO Club Japan

Gold Sponsor: PwC Consulting LLC
Silver Sponsor: Domo, Inc.
Bronze Sponsor: Information Services International-Dentsu, Ltd.

Today, it is evident that using a large amount of data for developing business strategies and organization transformation with digital technology effects on corporate competitiveness. The rapid digitalization has innovated companies with digital transformation, and companies are now in a turning point for surviving. Managers are required to introduce ‘digital strategies’ to corporate strategy, change work environment and corporate culture, and lead to offer new value to customers. We need to understand, now is the time for looking ahead to the next growth and making a differentiating factor and competitive with digital strategies. This time, in the very first CDO forum, we will focus on “Leaders Achieving Digital Transformation” through advanced cases and new perspectives. We hope this will be an opportunity for everyone to understand CDO as necessary position for management and innovation, and consider key success factor for new generation.


12:30- Registration Open
13:00-13:20 Opening remark

Dr. Taro Kamioka
CDO Club Japan Advisor
Professor, Hitotsubashi University

He was the president of International Academy of CIO Japan, the member and the chairman of MIC, the chairman of MLIT.

13:20-13:50 Special Guest Session
Member of House of Councilors
Mr. Yoshimasa Hayashi

Born in 1961. He was previously the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, the Minister of State for Economic and Fiscal Policy and the Minister of Defense. Graduate from University of Tokyo. He moved to USA after working for MITSUI & CO., LTD. and others. Under WILLIAM ROTH, United States Senator, he dealt with Mansfield Fellows and others. Completed Master in Public Administration of Harvard Kennedy School. He won his first election (House of Councilors election in Yamaguchi Prefecture) in 1995 and 4th term now. He ran for President of the Liberal Democratic Party in 2012.

13:50-14:20 Keynote Speech
Mr. David Mathison
CEO & Founder, CDO Club Global

Jun Kamo
Representative & Founder, CDO Club Japan

14:20-15:05 Sponsor Session

<Speech summary>
The trend of Digital Transformation
The rapid advance of ’Digital Technology’ such as IoT, AI and Robotics is pushing companies’ digital transformation like never before. Of course, we don’t doubt that using digital technology itself is important part of digital transformation. However, through working as a digital consultant, I found that the most important thing for making digital transformation succeed is not just figuring out a good way to use technologies, but how to recruit and raise organizations/people that would penetrate destructive changes caused by digital technology and lead discontinuous value creation. Many companies realize about this fact today - this determine your companies’ digital transformation would be succeeded or not- and most of them are asking the same question themselves, “who’s going to play such a difficult role?” Because of this, ’Chief Digital Officer’ has been recognized in other countries as important role to push companies’ digital transformation, and major companies are setting the position now. This time, I will comment on the necessity of changes in companies’ activities by digital technology and required role for CDO, and also I will explain points and perspectives that companies would need to note for pushing digital transformation as well.

Mr. Masanobu Eric Matsunaga
Partner PwC Digital Service General Manager of Japan

Mr. Matsunaga is unique guitarist graduated from Bekele College of Music, and he is a pioneer of media strategic consultant leading future of media industry with broadcast, music, movie, game and advertisements. Since 2017, he has been working as Japan’s General Manager of Digital Service in PwC Consulting LLC as an innovator in digital generation.

15:25-15:45 Case Session 1
The role of CDO (Chief Digital Officer) and required talent

Mr. Tsuguhide Nagase
Chief Digital Officer (CDO)/Digital Country Manager

Mr. Tsuguhide Nagase joined NIHON L'ORÉAL in 2015 as CDO/Executive Management Committee Member. Before that, he worked for Instagram Japan as Director of services in Japan being in charge of business/monetization and platform, worked for Facebook as brand business development/client partner, worked for KDDI (wireless business development dept./service planning dept.), worked for JWT (account management/brand strategy planning), worked for Unilever Japan/Unilever Australia (Asian region brand development manager), worked for NuSkin (marketing director of new service strategy). He has dealt with launch/monetize new services, rebuilding business in Asian markets and planning brand strategy/new product development in various types of industries and business conditions.

15:45-16:05 Case Session2
The vision and role of CDO in Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings Corporation and their future plan

Dr. Kazuo Iwano
CDO, Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings Corporation

Graduated from Mathematical Science, University of Tokyo in 1975. Finished Ph.D. of Computer Science, Princeton University, USA, in 1987. He was a chief of Tokyo Research Laboratory, director of Autonomic Computing in Watson Research Center, in charge of advanced business and VP. Since 2012, he has been an advisor of business service division in Mitsubishi Corporation, and Japan Science and senior fellow of Japan Science and Technology Agency. Since 2017, he has been assigned to VP, advanced technology/business development Chief Digital Officer in Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings Corporation.

16:05-16:25 Case Session3
Digital Transformation in MUFG
・Changes of FinTech and financial
・Setting CDTO(Chief Digital Transformation Officer) and digital planning division

Mr. Makoto Shibata
Principal Analyst
Digital Transformation Division
The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd .

Graduated from University of Tokyo in 1984. Joined The Bank of Tokyo. After working in branch office in Ikebukuro, finished Master in Development Studies, University of Oxford. After experiencing in accounting department, branch in Nagoya and planning devision in The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi, he has resarched/studied/developed new technology and business related to FinTech since 1988. He also gave many sessions about digital finance and FinTech to Nikkei Inc., Bank of Japan, Japan Exchange Group, Inc. and Gartner Japan Ltd. and others.

16:30-16:40 CDO Research Report
Ms. Akiko Karaki
Partner, PwC Consulting LLC Strategy Consulting (Strategy&)

Graduated from Law Department of University of Tokyo, finished LL.M of Columbia Law School. Worked for foreign investment bank as in-house lawyer in Tokyo/New York. After experiencing in McKinsey & Company, Inc. and financial institution, she is working as a partner of Strategy& of Tokyo office. She has dealt with various consulting projects about new business and growth strategies related to product/marketing strategy with clients from domestic/foreign retail, financial service, healthcare and others. She is also a specialist about CDO. She is pushing Japanese companies’ diversity which is necessary for realizing growth strategy.

16:40-17:40 Panel Discussion
Mr. Jun Kamo
Representative & Founder
CDO Club Japan

Graduated from BSc (IT), University of Tokyo. MS in Computer Science (specialized in AI), The University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. Joined DENTSU INC. and he was in charge of Intel, Microsoft and Apple to expand their business into Japan. Established a digital lab at Los Angeles branch and became chief strategist. In Silicon Valley, founded Harmonic Communications became vice president of Asian pacific after leaving DENTSU. Worked for PwC Consulting as director of strategy division, established marketing excellence group and became the representative.

Domo, Inc.
Ms. Shinobu Ohyama

Director, Client Service

Supporting companies’ data-driven innovation and business optimization as a manager of post sales of Japanese market. Before joining Domo, she worked for Omniture(current Adobe Marketing Cloud) and she was a chief editor of ExchangeWire Japan. In Oracle Corporation Japan, previous job, she was leading post sales of Oracle Marketing Cloud as a manager. Since July 2016, she has been in current position.

Other panelists
Mr. Tsuguhide Nagase
Dr. Kazuo Iwano
Mr. Makoto Shibata
Dr. Taro Kamioka

投稿日:2017-06-20 更新日:

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